Our omni-channel specialists are ready to help with sales and support 24/7.
Nexa Receptionists offer appointment scheduling services and 24/7/365 call services, plus outbound sales calling and more. 5 Nexa Receptionists Services Your Business Needs To Know...
Advantages of diversity in the workplace include more innovation, improved employee morale and talent retention. Nexa Culture: Emphasizing The Importance Of Diversity In The Workplace...
Our full guide to call handling, the best practices for both inbound and outbound calls, and whether you can outsource your calls! What is Call...
Automated answering service or virtual receptionist? Which is the most suitable option for your business to ensure customers are kept happy? Do You Need a...
Learn how to deal with angry customers in the best way possible, and turn negative experiences into positive ones every time. How To Handle Angry...
Voicemail Greetings Do’s and Don’ts But first, let’s go over a few best practices for business voicemail greetings…DO: Make it clear near the start of...
Customer service in healthcare means more than just a friendly face. It requires an approach that covers every part of a patient’s experience… How can...
If your company can’t provide excellent customer service, you’re losing business. The cost of negative customer experiences is far too high to ignore; If your...
Customer appreciation is crucial during the holidays! Stand out from your competition with these 3 customer appreciation ideas. Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and...
Our omni-channel specialists are ready to help you grow and scale your business 24/7.